To further mankind, it must exist. For mankind to exist, there must be sacrifice. Sacrifice to the slender man with the long limbs. A sacrifice of blood, and a sacrifice of steel.

Friday, October 28, 2011

SlenderSword: Introductions Are in Order

Hello all. This is my first time actually making a blog, something I was extremely reluctant to do after my research into the Slender Man. This is one of the symptoms of Slendersickness, but more on that later.

I'm not going to tell you much of my sightings, of what I see in the corner of my eye, of what happens here in Gilroy. I'm here to tell you all how to throw off the Slender One's influence, how to fight Him back when you see him, and, if I'm lucky enough to find out how, I'll share the secret to killing the Slender Man.

Yes, my blog will be focusing on harassing the Slender One's weaknesses and fighting him off. I have a rather interesting viewpoint on this matter, being descended from Native Americans, having near-complete control over most of my emotions, and gaining access to what I call "flesh memories".

The flesh memories are thoughts and memories that one's ancestors experienced strongly enough to form a genetic bond with their DNA, and are accessible to their descendants in times of emotional crisis. Think the Assassin's Creed games, but without needing the Animus.

So far, I've seen one of my ancestors killed by Slender Man in a flesh memory. This defies everything I though I knew about them, but I saw it.

Don't expect me to live for long. If I die in this work, someone will continue it from the notes I have on this subject.

Right now, all I have is a list of places to start.
Slender Man has been connected to the Yggdrasil tree of Norse mythos, and, while that is a less credible link, it presented some interesting leads; specifically, the snake which chews through the roots of the tree, as well as Loki the Trickster (more on how Slenderman could be Loki later).
Another lead is the connection to Germany as Der Grosse Man (The Tall Man), who, if I remember correctly, had two brothers more powerful than he (not comforting at all).
Although I know very little about the Fae, Slender Man could easily be one of their numbers; in fact, him being Fae would be the easiest possible way of exploiting weakness (all Fae are weak to iron).
Although this will likely present nothing other than some of his habits, I do have a flesh memory of my ancestor's death by Slender Man's hands; I know for certain this is from my Native American ancestry, although I might be able to find something from my Irish ancestry as well.

For an easier list:

  • Yggdrasil snake or Loki?
  • Der Grosse Man?
  • Fae? (iron is weakness)
  • Roanoke?

Also, I've caught word of a few blogs that saw they've managed to cause some harm to Slender Man. I'll do my best to research those in addition to the mythology I've identified. If anyone can help with my searches, then I will gladly accept it.

Until I can compose the next entry, I'll leave you with this.

Don't let fear consume you. That would only be playing into his hand. Keep calm; he cannot touch us so easily.

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