To further mankind, it must exist. For mankind to exist, there must be sacrifice. Sacrifice to the slender man with the long limbs. A sacrifice of blood, and a sacrifice of steel.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

DS here. I must say, the halfling is really quite shy. When he saw that the main interrogator was to be a fairly attractive woman who seemed only slightly older than him, he downright panicked and all but forced me to take over.

The girl he was infatuated with went by Hermione, and the older one called herself Ursula. Hermione had blonde hair, blue eyes, was thin at the waist, and was about 5'9", making her a few inches taller than the halfling. Her elder, Ursula, had hazel eyes, pale skin, and ginger hair. I'd put her at about 5'8".

Ursula was rather cold and monotonous, so I lost interest in her too quickly in order to focus on Hermione. Just to mess with my halfling, I was a bit too friendly.

I flirted with the witch while she interrogated me. Patrick mentally roughed me up once the questions were over and done with. I must say, the halfling is rather adamant about this issue. I can't really see why, but he has remarkable control over his own mind.

While I was being questioned, and my efforts at flirting ignored and rebuked (been too long since I could woo a woman), Ursula was going through the hotel room, touching pretty much everything. She frowned when she touched the laptop, at which I nearly laughed. The woman was doing something to gauge residual emotion in the things she touched.

Poor halfling never had a girlfrien

That's enough from you, DS. I'll take over from here.


Okay, now I'm pissed. I can't even fucking delete the shit that DS wrote above. Damn fucking bastard.

Okay, apparently "he" is actually a "she". Now I am incredibly disturbed that I have a woman in my head. Well, she must be getting some pretty strange vibes up their from time to time... Ew. Stop doing that in there. Because it's my head, that's why.

Oh, erm... whoops?

Most of what she said above was true. I can't speak on some of the details, though; my memory is like a sieve; it lets some stuff out and keeps some in. There were, however, a couple of details she missed.

1: What the interrogation was actually about. Some people have been found dead nearby. Some native Englishmen, others foreigners and immigrants. The only thing that they all had in common was the hooded sweaters they were all wearing. Black, and with an operator symbol drawn with red on the back of it. Some had used electrical tape, some had used paint, some had used what had seemed to be blood.

2: Hermione had witch magic. Now, I'm no expert on that form of human magic, but I don't think that witches are common. DS doesn't even know what a witch is, from what she just said in my head.

3: Ursula had some sort of psychic talent that I've never seen before. She was gleaning emotional residue from anything she touched, and went out of her way to not touch things she didn't need to. She also never spoke during the entire process.

4: Doesn't have anything to do with the interrogation, but it still is something DS didn't notice. I really should get some new clothes soon; the ones I'm wearing need to be washed really soon.

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