To further mankind, it must exist. For mankind to exist, there must be sacrifice. Sacrifice to the slender man with the long limbs. A sacrifice of blood, and a sacrifice of steel.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

DS here. I finished decoding Josh's last message.

We are done you maz return.

Something must have gotten scrambled somewhere.

I actually finished a few days ago, but Patrick wouldn't give me enough time to make a post. However, now that we have that message, I managed to convince him to return back to his home, to California.

Just in time for the holiday humans call Christmas, no? Now, I think Patrick has something to say to you all.

Hey. It's me. Patrick. I'm sorry for getting so obsessed with my research. It's just... well, I want, no, need to learn about these things.

And now, for the fruits of my endeavors and what they mean to everyone.

First off, the book has a complete listing of all prophecies made in regards to the three Shepherds of the Lost: the Shepherd of the Dead, who is presumed to be deceased and has been missing for thousands of years besides; the Shepherd of the Defiled, who has the fewest prophecies and has the most variables associated with them; and the Shepherd of the Damned, the one who will lead the spirits and demons during the fall of the devils.

Only one thing is known for certain about the Shepherd of the Defiled: he or she is alive, now. I ask you to do me a favor, not so that I may repay it in kind, but so that, after this disaster, this war, is over, we may be able to survive as humankind.

I ask you to devote anything you can to searching for the Shepherd of the Defiled, and, if found, to keep him or her alive.

Here is one of the few prophecies that I have managed to translate completely. I called in a few too many favors for my liking to get this done, but the long term benefits far outweigh my own personal losses.

"The Shepherd of the Defiled shall be one who has never been dead, never been damned, never been contained. The Shepherd shall be made in the century of twenty-one by human definition. Fire shall spring forth when the Shepherd of the Defiled is named, and the heavens themselves shall answer the call of the Defiled."

Good luck, everyone. I'm getting on a plane in a few days.

1 comment:

  1. There is a second message...a message within a message, you must go deeper
