Really strange shit been going on. I'm pissed and terrified right now.
Proxies showed up at my house on the 21st. 3 Agents and a Revenant. And Slendy himself. A full dozen of the Hallowed, too.
I did the only thing I fucking could to even hope to get out alive. I put on the mask.
After that, my latest memories are from yesterday when I woke up in this crappy hotel in England.
I checked the backpack that was with me in the room, and, sure enough, there was the fucking mask, just staring at me. Fucking mask. There was also a freaking bowie knife, so I don't know whether or not to hug the mask in thanks or smash it to bits.
I love knives, swords, maces, axes, any weapons I can get my hands on. But knives are my favorites.
There were also a few other things in the backpack. A passport (didn't have a passport before, but it seems I do now), a few thousand Euros in various denominations (don't know where I got them), my laptop, its charger, my DS and charger (wee, Pokemon, that'll help me as I run for my life), and this tiny ass mp3 player that I bought from Thinkgeek a year ago.
I also found a key ring with a few keys on it that I have no idea what they do. One of them goes to a car, though; the car that I apparently now own. After seeing that little shock, I checked my bank account.
Boom. Extra 5 million dollars in it. No idea how or where, or even when, I got the money. But it was exactly 5,000,000 more than I had. There was also a message saying that I had another bank account with another bank. Checked that. Seven hundred thousand Euros. Exactly.
Well, looks like I can do whatever it is I need to do in England.
Drove to a grocery store, almost got in trouble (metric system! driving on the wrong side of the road!). Managed to buy enough food to last me for a week or so, then got another month added to my stay at the hotel. I'm (apparently) loaded now, I do what I want.
Nothing had changed when I re-entered my room. I... I wanted some time off from all this shit. I wanted to lose myself in some gaming while I could. Played some Minecraft and WoW on the shitty internet connection here. Then whipped out the DS while I watched some Doctor Who reruns. Slept for nearly 16 hours.
And here we are.
More updates as they come.
Oh, and I changed the blog's time zone for what I think is England's time.
ReplyDeleteOur researchers found out that the beings known as the Revenants are no longer used by the Abomination since it all appeared to be just a illusion (not exactly an illusion at all, but still).
ReplyDeleteThis is intricating, maybe you saw a new type of Abomination's minion. Our researchers would like to hear some more about it.